Why Invest in SOcial Media Marketing?

With Facebook having over a billion  users, Twitter with 500 million, followed by LinkedIn with 150 million on and last but not least Pinterest the fastest growing social media network with 11 million users, online marketing is key to target these users.

Want to connect with customers? Use social media marketing to build your customer base and and share your information with them using social media as an interactive forum. Social media networking has become a preferred medium by online marketers.

Social media data:

  •  On Facebook alone 5.3 Billion pieces of contest is shared every week.
  • In 2011, there were 3X more users on social media sites than email.
  • 53% of active social media site users follow brands.

This infographic was created by Socialkia on ‘Why Invest In Social Media Marketing’ with some interesting statistics below.

Why invest in social media (infographic)

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